Formulating and Implementing a Whole-school Behaviour Policy: Considering the Needs of Pupils with Mild General Learning Disabilities in Mainstream Schools


  • Hugh McBride


Whole-School Behaviour Policy, MGLD, Mild General Learning Difficulties, Mainstream, Inclusion


In this article, the author sets out to consider the challenges facing pupils with mild general learning disabilities in attempting to gain ownership of a whole-school behaviour policy in an integrated mainstream setting. In formulating and implementing such a policy, there is a duty on the part of the school to recognise the differences that exist between pupils and the need to accommodate these differences.


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How to Cite

McBride, H. (2002). Formulating and Implementing a Whole-school Behaviour Policy: Considering the Needs of Pupils with Mild General Learning Disabilities in Mainstream Schools. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 15(2), 87–96. Retrieved from


