One Drama for All? Responding to the Primary School Curriculum for Drama in the Special Class


  • Damien McCormack


Drama, PSC, Primary School Curriculum, Special Class, Drama Curriculum, Special Education, Mainstream, Special Class Teacher, SEN, Special Educational Needs


The new Primary School Curriculum (1999) gives drama a valued position in schools. In welcoming this development, the author offers some considerations for the adaptation of the drama curriculum for use in special education. The views expressed are those of a special class teacher in a mainstream school, though it is hoped they have general relevance to the education of all children with special educational needs.


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How to Cite

McCormack, D. (2021). One Drama for All? Responding to the Primary School Curriculum for Drama in the Special Class . REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 15(1), 14–21. Retrieved from


