Integrating Diversity: A Challenge to the Vision and Leadership of School Principals


  • Nancy Nelson


Integration, Diversity, Vision, Ethos, Leadership, Principal, Inclusion, Disability, Disabilities, Resources, Attitudes, Legislation, Requirements, British Columbia, Advocates, Diverse, Position, Initiative, Action Plans, Approach


In spite of major obstacles to the successful integration of children with disabilities into ordinary schools such as inadequate resources and financial constraints, attitudes of school principals constitute significant factors in implementing change. Studies relating to the challenge presented to schools by legislative requirements in British Columbia, indicate that principals, as advocates for diverse learners, occupy pivotal positions in linking initiatives to effective action plans.


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How to Cite

Nelson, N. (1995). Integrating Diversity: A Challenge to the Vision and Leadership of School Principals. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 8(2), 95–100. Retrieved from


