Challenging Communication - Using Informal and Non-Symbolic Systems with Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Disability


  • Gemma Clerkin


Challenging, Communication, Informal, Non-Symbolic, Systtems, SLD, PLD, Learning Difficulties, Learning Disabilities, Communication System, Interaction, Intervention, Client-directed, Programmes, Environmental-centred, Methods, Approaches, Challenging Behaviour, Teacher, Team Worker, Conventional


Conventional communication systems may not be appropriate in interacting with pupils with severe/profound learning disabilities. It is necessary to change our traditional views of intervention from client-directed programmes to environmental-centred programmes which incorporate informal methods and approaches to communication. In this context, a challenging behaviour, to the teacher or team worker, can be a challenging communication. 


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Kiernan, C., Reid, B. (1987). Pre-Verbal Communication Schedule. London: NFER-Nelson.

Lovett, H. (1985). Cognitive Counselling and Persons with Special Needs: adapting behavioural approaches to the social contract. New York: Praeger.

MacDonald, J.D. (1983). Nursing and the Management of Paediatric Communication Disorders. London: College Hill Press.

McTear, M. (1985). Children's Conversation. Oxford: Blackwell. Watzlavick, P., Beavin, J., Jackson, D. (1967). Pragmatics of Human Communication. New York: W.W. Norton.

Siegel-Causey, E., Guess, D., (1988). Enhancing Nonsymbolic Communication Interactions among Learners with severe Disabilities. Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes.




How to Cite

Clerkin, G. (1993). Challenging Communication - Using Informal and Non-Symbolic Systems with Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Disability. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 7(1), 24–30. Retrieved from


