Moving Moving Forward with Inclusion in Physical Education in Ireland


  • Susan Marron DCU


inclusion, UDL, additional needs, Physical Education, primary schools


This paper is based on the Irish data from a large-scale study from the XXXXX European Erasmus + project. The quantitative study aimed to investigate teachers' practices on the inclusion of children with additional needs (AN) in primary physical education (PE) and identifying supports welcomed by teachers that could enhance their practices. The Irish data is based on the analysed results from 137 respondents (n=137) to an online questionnaire. The results showed some encouraging findings. However, it is crucial that teachers are aware of the importance of questioning their practices especially the withdrawal of children from the PE lesson and concentrate on how activities and the environment may be best adapted to include them further. The Irish results added to the European ‘call’ for specific supports that led to the development of an online website underpinned with the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) to further support teachers on inclusion in PE.


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How to Cite

Marron, S. (2023). Moving Moving Forward with Inclusion in Physical Education in Ireland. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 36(1). Retrieved from