
The role of the occupational therapist for primary school children: consideration of collaborative practices with primary school teachers


  • Annmarie Collins
  • Miriam Colum


inclusion, occupational therapy, collaboration, primary school teachers


This article examines the role of the Occupational Therapist (OT) for children with SEN in primary schools, with an emphasis on the importance of collaborative practice between the OT and primary school teachers to enhance inclusion. Adopting a qualitative approach, data was gathered from eight teachers using semi structured interviews. The findings reveal that there is some understanding of the role of the OT despite lack of education and training on the role, and on collaborative practices. Furthermore, many challenges such as poor communication, long waiting lists, inadequate funding, inconsistent reporting, and a lack of knowledge on using specific equipment exists when it comes to the provision of OT on site in schools. Finally, participants’ aspirations for collaboration can be seen in a broader desire to get involved with work that promotes inclusion and recommend deeper communication, education, and training and in school provision.


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How to Cite

Collins, A., & Colum, M. (2024). The role of the occupational therapist for primary school children: consideration of collaborative practices with primary school teachers. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland. Retrieved from


