Where We Were Then: An Illuminative Evaluation of Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices in Relation to Level 2 Learning Programmes and Inclusion in a Mainstream Post Primary School


  • Margaret Flood
  • Anna Logan


professional development, L2LP, post primary, inclusion, curriculum


This article  reports  the findings of the first phase  of a case study  exploring the impact of collaborative whole-school professional development (CPD) to enact Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) in a mainstream post-primary school      In Phase 1 a baseline in relation to the school’s existing engagement with and knowledge, practice and beliefs around L2LPs and inclusion was established in order to ascertain the staff  CPD needs and inform the subsequent design, implementation and evaluation of the whole-school professional development in  phase two which are reported elsewhere ( Author 1, 2019).     Though the research explored the voices of students, parents, teachers and SNAs this article  will focus on teachers’ perspectives and practices.   Sixteen teachers, including the principal and SEN coordinator participated in phase one of the research. The findings suggest that despite a stated commitment to inclusion, there were  significant gaps in   teachers’ knowledge and understanding of  policy in relation to L2LPs and of how to plan for and implement level two learning programmes in their classroom practice.       


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How to Cite

Flood, M. ., & Logan, A. . (2021). Where We Were Then: An Illuminative Evaluation of Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices in Relation to Level 2 Learning Programmes and Inclusion in a Mainstream Post Primary School. REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 34(2). Retrieved from https://reachjournal.ie/index.php/reach/article/view/315

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